Peer review is the process used to assess whether a scientific paper is suitable for publication based on the quality, originality and importance of the work. The 6th International Conference on Automotive Innovation & Green Energy Vehicle (AiGEV) 2024 provides peer review for all the paper submitted.

All paper is evaluated by group of expert in the field, known as reviewer to make sure it meets the necessary standards for acceptance and publication for decision made by the conference editors.

Peer Review occurs during a fixed window of time. All authors are notified of the decision on their paper at the same time.


1. Upon submission, Editors will screen the general suitability of paper with the conference’s scope. If deemed suitable, the Editor will select reviewer for submitted paper, based on scientific interests and background.

2. Some the submissions are rejected without being sent out for per review on the grounds of priority, insufficient originality and scientific flaws.

3. When reviewer comment is received, an Editor will make an initial decision along the following lines:

•        To unconditionally accept the paper
•        To request mandatory amendments with likely acceptance (accept with minor revision)
•        To request major revision and encourage resubmission
•        To reject the paper outright

4. Editorial Board (Publication Committee) is ultimately responsible for the selection of every accepted paper.

5. The decision taken by Editorial board is final in all respects and no further comments/communications from authors in this regard is expected.

6. In case of limited peer review period, conference may not offer a revision option. Instead, will either accept or reject the initial submission.


1. AiGEV2024 review process using a dedicated review system ( with a pool of reviewers under related field of expert.

2. Review format use Single-blind which the names of the reviewers are not shared with the author but the reviewers are aware of the author’s identity.

3. Selected paper should be evaluated by at least two reviewers and by the anonymous expert member of the Editorial board

4. During the peer review process, typically reviewers are asked to comment on the following aspects of:
•        Scope: Is the paper appropriate for the scope of this conference?
•        Novelty: Is this original material distinct from previous publications?
•        Validity: Is the study well designed and executed?
•        Data: Are the data reported, analyzed, and interpreted correctly?
•        Clarity: Are the ideas expressed clearly, concisely, and logically?
•        Compliance: Are all ethical and publication requirements met?
•        Advancement: Is this a significant contribution to the field?
•        Referencing: Use referencing manager?

5. The reviewer provide supporting remarks and their comments are generally very helpful for improving the quality of submitted papers.




Presentation Guideline

Posted in Guidelines & Instruction


Due to the COVID-19 situation, AiGEV2020 has been converted into a virtual conference, which will be held via the Google Meet platform. To prepare for the virtual conference, preserter have to submit a presentation slide and pre-recording video presentation in advance  as a back-up in the case of online or network problem during the session. . At least one author must join the LIVE virtual session to present the presentation slide and answer Q&A session. 

All session will be given separate link virtual room using Google Meet platform. Please always check your virtual room through email notification or AiGEV portal tentative. Please carefully review the following guidelines and specifications before prepare and submit your presentation.

The deadline for all presentation submission is  12 OCTOBER 2020 6 NOVEMBER 2020! 


The LIVE virtual presentation should be:

  • Total Presentation Session is maximum twenty (20)-minute in length for each presenter
  • The Presentation Content will be given not more than fifteen (15)-minutes 
  • The Q&A time will be the remaining five (5)-minutes 
  • The presenter is advised to join from the beginning of session and standby five (5)-minute before the individual presentation slot
  • The presentation schedule shall be email and publish at AiGEV2020 Portal -Tentative


submission of presentation SLIDE should be:

  • Please prepare approximately fifteen (15) minutes of presentation content.
  • Presentation slide in Power Point or PDF format not more that 10 slides
  • Use simple (Arial, Calibri) and large (30+) fonts
  • Please save your presentation using the Group Number, Paper Number and Last Name as the file name. For example: “G1-P1_Ahmad"
  • Please be sure to review your presentation prior to submission. Once you are happy with the final product, then please submit or upload it to the AiGEV2020 Google Drive link AiGEV_slide


  • Please prepare approximately fifteen (15) minutes of video presentation 
  • The resolution of the video should be of high definition (720p or 1080p).
  • Recording should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio of the presenter.
  • The recording may also contain a small headshot of the presenter
  • Avoid using hi-res image
  • NO embedded videos
  • Saved as MPEG-4 (.mp4) file using the Group Number, Paper Number and Last Name as the file name. For example: “G1-P1_Ahmad"
  • Please be sure to review your pre-recording presentation prior to submission. Once you are happy with the final product, then please submit or upload it to the AiGEV2020 Google Drive link AiGEV_video

For more information on how to pre-record your presentation, please look at this below.

Pre-Recorded using Power Point

  1. Follow these instructions to add audio (and optionally video) to your slides.
  2. Follow these instructions to generate a MPEG-4 (.mp4) file from your slides and audio/video.
  3. Alternatively, you can follow this video tutorial which goes through both of these steps. Also, see this video tutorial if you like.

Other Options

  1. Record your screen (and microphone) while giving the presentation. There are effective and free options to do this on LinuxmacOS, and Windows.
  2. As a last resort, and only if you are comfortable directly editing video, you can export your slides as images, record an audio track, and combine the two using software like kdenliveiMovie, or others.

Please to remind the deadline submission is 12 OCTOBER, 2020 6 NOVEMBER 2020.


Manuscript Guideline

Posted in Guidelines & Instruction


ISSN: 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online)


The Automotive Engineering Centre (AEC), Universiti Malaysia Pahang publishes an open access peer reviewed international journal named “International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME) ISSN: 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online)" for the dissemination of original research in all fields of Automotive Technology and Mechanical Engineering. The journal aims to present the latest development and achievements in scientific research in Malaysia and overseas to the world’s community especially to simulate and promote academic exchange between the Malaysia and foreign scientists, engineers and researchers everywhere. Original, innovatives and novel contributions providing insight into the use of analytical, computational modeling as well as experimental research results are encouraged. The IJAME are edited by the international board of distinguished local and foreign scientists, researchers. The objective of publishing this journal in English is to strengthen international exchange in academic research.


The IJAME provides the forum for high quality research communications and addresses all aspects of original experimental information based on theory and their applications. This journal welcomes all contributions from those who wishes to report on new developments in automotive and mechanical engineering fields within the following scopes. 

Engine/Emission   Technology

Automobile   Body and Safety

Vehicle   Dynamics

Automotive   Electronics

Alternative   Energy

Energy   Conversion

Fuels   and Lubricants

Combustion   and Reacting Flows

New   and Renewable Energy Technologies

Automotive   Electrical Systems

Automotive   Materials

Automotive   Transmission

Automotive   Pollution and Control

Vhicle   Maintenance

Intelligent   Vehicle/Transportation Systems

Fuel   Cell, Hybrid, Electrical Vehicle and Other Fields of Automotive Engineering

Engineering   Management /TQM

Heat   and Mass Transfer

Fluid   and Thermal Engineering


Engineering   Mechanics

Modeling   and Simulation

Metallurgy/   Materials Engineering

Applied   Mechanics


Agricultural   Machinery and Equipment


Automatic   Control

Multidisciplinary   design and optimization Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics

Thermal-Fluids   Machinery

Experimental   and Computational Mechanics

Measurement   and Instrumentation


Manufacturing   Systems

Materials   Processing

Noise   and Vibration

Composite   and Polymer Materials

Biomechanical   Engineering

Fatigue   and Fracture Mechanics

Machine   Components design

Gas   Turbine

Power   Plant Engineering

Artificial   Intelligent/Neural Network

Robotic   Systems

Solar   Energy

Powder   Metallurgy and Metal ceramics

Discrete   Systems

Non-linear   Analysis

Structural   Analysis


Engineering   Materials

Mechanical   Systems and Technology

Pneumatic   and Hydraulic Systems

Failure   Analysis

Any   other related topics


Manuscript   Preparation


These instructions are written in a form   that satisfies all of the formatting requirements for the author manuscript.   Please use them as a template in preparing your manuscript. Authors must take   special care to follow these instructions concerning margins. The basic   instructions are simple:

  • Manuscript shall be formatted for        an A4 size page.
  • The top, left and right margins        shall be 30 mm.
  • The bottom margin shall be 25 mm.
  • The text shall have both the left        and right margins justified.


The manuscript should be organized in the   following order: Title of the paper, Authors' names and affiliation,   Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Body of the paper (in sequential   headings), Conclusion, Acknowledgements (where applicable), References, and   Appendices (where applicable).

A. The Title

The title is centered on the page and is   CAPITALIZED AND SET IN BOLDFACE (font size 12 pt). It should adequately   describe the content of the paper. An abbreviated title of less than 60   characters (including spaces) should also be suggested.

B. Author’s Name and Affiliation

The author's name(s) follows the title and   is also centered on the page (font size 12 pt). A blank line is required   between the title and the author's name(s). Last names should be spelled out   in full and succeeded by author's initials. The author's affiliation,   complete mailing address, and e-mail address (all in font size 12 pt) are   provided below. Phone and fax numbers do not appear.

C. Abstract

A nonmathematical abstract, not exceeding   200 words, is required for all papers. It should be an abbreviated, accurate   presentation of the contents of the paper. It should contain sufficient   information to enable readers to decide whether they should obtain and read   the entire paper. Do not cite references in the abstract.

D. Key Words

The author should provide a list of three   to five key words that clearly describe the subject matter of the paper.

E. Text Layout

The manuscript must be typed single   spacing. Use extra line spacing between equations, illustrations, figures and   tables. The body of the text should be prepared using Times New Roman. The   font size used for preparation of the manuscript must be 12 points. The first   paragraph following a heading should not be indented. The following   paragraphs must be indented 10 mm. Note that there is no line spacing between   paragraphs unless a subheading is used. Symbols for physical quantities in   the text should be written in italics.

F. Section Headings

Section headings should be typed centered   on the page and in capital letters only. The type, fonts and style above   (Times New Roman 12 point bold) are an example of a section heading. Do not   underline section headings. A bold font should be used for section headings.   The headings should be numbered.

G. Subheadings

Subheadings should be positioned at the   left margin, in a bold-faced font the same size as the main text (Times New   Roman 12 point) with single line spacing above and below. The first letter of   each word in the subheading should be capitalized.

H. Sub-subheadings

Sub-subheadings should be typed using   italic font the same size as that used for the body of the text (Times New   Roman 12 point italics). Only the first letter in the subheading should be   capitalized. Note that a blank line precedes and follows the subheading.

I. Equations and Mathematical Expressions

Equation numbers should appear in   parentheses and be numbered consecutively. All equation numbers must appear   on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the   text. Two different types of styles can be used for equations and   mathematical expressions. They are:

  • In-line style
  • Display style.

In-line style

In-line equations/expressions are embedded   in paragraphs of the text. For example, E = mc2 . In-line   equations should not be numbered.

Display style

Equations in display format are separated   from the paragraphs of text. They should be flushed to the centered of the   column. Fractional powers should be used instead of root signs. A slash (/)   should be used instead of a horizontal line for fractions, whenever possible;   for example, use 2/3 for two-thirds. Refer to equations in the text as "   Eq.(1)" or, if at the beginning of a sentence, as " Equation   (1)". Vectors should be typed boldface. Do not use arrows, wavy-line   underscoring, etc.

  J. Figures and Tables

Figures (diagrams and photographs) should   be numbered consecutively using arabic numbers. They should be placed in the   text soon after the point where they are referenced. Figures should be   centered in a column and should have a figure caption placed underneath.   Captions should be centered in the column, in the format “Figure 1” and are   in upper and lower case letters. When referring to a figure in the body of   the text, the abbreviation "Figure" is used Illustrations must be   submitted in digital format, with a good resolution. Table captions appear   centered above the table in upper and lower case letters. When referring to a   table in the text, "Table" with the proper number is used. Captions   should be centered in the column, in the format “Table 1” and are in upper   and lower case letters. Tables are numbered consecutively and independently   of any figures. All figures and tables must be incorporated into the text (in   Portrait orientation).

K. Units

The use of SI units is strongly   recommended and mixed units are to be avoided.

L. Conclusion

A conclusion section must be included and   should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations and possible applications   of the paper. Discuss about future work.

M. Acknowledgements

An acknowledgement section may be presented   after the conclusion, if desired. Individuals or units other than authors who   were of direct help in the work could be acknowledged by a brief statement   following the text.

N. References

The APA format 6 edition referencing   system is to be used. In the body of the text a paper is to be referred to by   the author’s surname with the year of publication in parentheses. References   should be listed together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by   author’s surname. List of references indents 10 mm from the second line of   each reference. Personal communications and unpublished data are not   acceptable references.

Journal   Papers

Hamada, K. I., Rahman, M. M. & Aziz,   A. R. A. (2012). Characteristics of the time-averaged overall heat transfer   in a Direct Injection Hydrogen Fueled Engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(11), 4816-4830.

Rahman, M. M. & Ariffin, A. K. (2006).   Effects of surface finish and treatment on the fatigue behaviour of vibrating   cylinder block using frequency response approach. Journal of Zhejiang University of Science A, 7(3), 352-360.

Journal titles should not be abbreviated.   Note that journal title is set in italics.


Juvinall, R. C. & Marshek, K. M. (2000).   Fundamentals of machine component   design. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Stephens, R. I., Fatemi, A., Stephens, R. R.   & Fuchs, H. O. (2000). Metal   fatigue in engineering. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Note that the title of the book is   italicized and sentence case.

Chapters   in Books

Barky, M. E. & Zhang, S. (2005).   Fatigue spot welds. Fatigue testing and analysis. Lee et al. (Eds.). New   York: Butterworth Heinrahmanemann, 285-311.

Note that the title of the book is   italicized and sentence case.

Proceedings   Papers

Rahman, M. M., Bakar, R. A., Sani, M. S.   M. & Noor, M. M. (2008). Investigation into surface treatment on fatigue   life for cylinder block of linear engine using frequency response approach. 15th International Congress on Sound and   Vibrations, 2119-2127.

Web   Pages

Felippa, C. A. (2011). Advanced finite element   methods. Retrieved from /AFM.d/Home.html.

Rockwell Automation. Arena. Retrieved from


Document your study throughout the text by citing the author (or brief title if there is no author) and year of the works you researched. The reader can then locate the complete source in the alphabetical reference list at the end of your work. The in text citation is highlighted in this example:

One author

Rahman (2010) claimed that … or The theory was first put forward in 1960 (Rahman, 2010).

Two authors

Always cite both authors.

Example: Rahman and Noor (2009) found … or The majority found … (Rahman & Noor, 2009).

Multiple authors for 3-5 authors

Cite all authors the first time.

Rahman, Kadirgama, Noor and Rosli (2008) found that … or (Rahman, Kadirgama, Noor & Rosli, 2009).

In subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al. (not italicised and with

a full stop after “al”) and the year.

Example: Rahman et al. (2009) or (Rahman et al., 2009).

Multiple authors for 6 or more authors

With six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author, followed by “et al.”.

Multiple works (when two or more references are cited to make the same point)

List two or more works by different authors who are cited within the same parentheses in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname. Separate the citations with semicolons.

Example: (Rahman, 2010; Rahman & Kadirgama, 2009; Rahman et al., 2011)

Multiple works by the same author

Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication. Give author’s surname once; for each subsequent work, give only the date.

Example: University research has indicated that… (Rahman, 2007, 2010).

Multiple works published in the same year by the same author

Use a,b etc. to differentiate between works in the same year.

In recent works … (Rahman, 2009a,b).

Submission Checklist

It is hoped that this list will be   useful during the final checking of an article prior to sending it to the   Editor. Ensure that the following items are present:

-            One   Author designated as corresponding Author:

-            E-mail   address

-            Full   postal address

-            Telephone   and fax numbers

-            Keywords

-            All   figure captions

-            All   tables (including title, description, footnotes)


Further   Considerations:

-            Manuscript   has been "spellchecked" and "grammar-checked"

-            References   are in the correct format for this journal

-            All   references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice   versa

-            Permission   has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources

Manuscript Submission

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscript through online submission at or send to iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The electronic manuscript shall be prepared in accordance to the “Manuscript Preparation Guide”. All submissions will be subjected to a review process by the respective panel of experts. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

Submission Deadline

Posted in Guidelines & Instruction

Call for Papers:
1 March 2024

Full Paper:
30 June 2024
15 July 2024
31 July 2024

Payment :
31 July 2024
1 August 2024

Revision & Camera Ready :
30 October 2024

16 - 18 September 2024

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